Financial Early Neutral Evaluation (FENE), Social Early Neutral Evaluation (SENE), and mediation are all different processes for alternative dispute resolution (ADR). ADR is commonly used in family law to help litigants settle their cases and avoid a costly trial. Trial bound cases can take months to bring to a conclusion and both parties are generally
Alternative Dispute Resolution
In Minnesota, alternative dispute resolution relates to processes that litigants may participate in as an alternative to a trial. Whether mediation, arbitration, early neutral evaluation or moderated settlement conferences, the vast majority of divorce and family law matters are resolved outside the courtroom.
Alternative Dispute Resolution: Basic Ideals, Principles, and Tools
Despite your best efforts, you and your partner have decided that divorce is the best option. However, you also intend to remain on good terms as you move on with your lives. Alternative dispute resolution may provide the framework you need to resolve potentially contentious issues without destroying your working relationship.
What Is Alternative Dispute…
Six Tips for Keeping Up Relationships With Your Ex-in-Laws
You often hear that you “marry the family.” A divorce means you may have to maintain a relationship with your ex-in-laws for the sake of the children. You also might like your ex-in-laws and want to keep in touch with them. It is possible to maintain a healthy relationship with your ex-in-laws if you use…
Minnesota Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods: Alternatives to Trial
Trial. In family court, it may be the most difficult thing a litigant can experience. The time, cost and emotion involved in litigating a case can be significant – not to mention the unpredictability of leaving your future in the hands of a stranger in a black robe.
The good news is that in Minnesota…