These days, the nuclear family sometimes feels like little more than a myth that we occasionally witness on reruns of classic TV sitcoms. United States Census data indicates that, while 40 percent of 1970 families consisted of two married parents living with children, this arrangement comprised just 19 percent of homes as of 2013. These
minnesota child custody lawyer
Guide to the Minnesota Custody Statute
In Minnesota, as in most states, a variety of factors are considered when determining custody. These are covered in detail in MN Statute 518.14. Read on to learn more about this important statute and its impact on Minnesota custody proceedings:
Best Interests of the Child
Above all else, Minnesota courts make custody decisions based…
Custody in Minnesota: A Review of Critical Basic Ideas — Part 2
In our last post on custody in Minnesota, we explored the various factors used to determine custody and parenting time. Now that you understand the basics, it’s time to delve into specifics regarding paternity, residency requirements, and parenting plans.
How Paternity Impacts Custody
While the Minnesota marriage rate remains higher than that in most states,…
Custody in Minnesota: A Review of Critical Basic Ideas — Part 1
Custody is often the most emotional aspect of a Minnesota divorce. While some couples inherently agree that their children are better off living with just one parent, others bicker endlessly over parenting time. These spats can be minimized, in part, by a better understanding of how custody works in the state of Minnesota. Below, we…
Why Wouldn’t You Choose to Mediate Your Divorce?
Quick, affordable, and informal, mediation provides an enticing alternative to litigation divorce. That doesn’t make it the right solution for every couple. From abusive relationships to neglectful parenting, a variety of circumstances can make mediation a nightmare. Consider opting for collaboration or litigation instead, if one of these factors applies to your situation:
Your Spouse…
Finding an Attorney Who Doesn’t Violate Your Values
Your ideal attorney needs so much more than a long resume. This person should share your most cherished values.
How do you determine what values, exactly, your most promising legal prospects hold? Read on to find out:
Determine What You Don’t Want In an Attorney
Like many people, you draw a blank when asked to…
Parenting Time in Minnesota: Six Excellent Places to Take the Kids This Summer
Minnesota offers great attractions for the entire family. If you’re stumped about what to do, or where to go, during your parenting time, try these fun locations:
1. Itaska State Park – Itaska is Minnesota’s oldest state park. Not only is it great for camping, but it also contains one of America’s most enduring attractions:…