Divorce brings big changes, such as new jobs and relationships that lead you to want to relocate to another state. Before packing your bags, address these issues to protect yourself legally, financially, and physically.
6 Things to Do
1. Review your divorce decree. Depending on the circumstances of the divorce, you may need to get a judge’s permission before the move or face contempt of court proceedings.
2. Address child custody issues. If you have joint or primary custody of a child, you will need court and ex-spousal permission before relocation. If you have visitation rights, you may want to amend the custody agreement to address out-of-state visitation processes.
3. Inform your lawyer of the relocation. This person knows you and the circumstances of your divorce. Your lawyer is also the person most likely to be contacted by your ex’s attorney if a problem arises.
4. Make arrangements to ensure that child support and other financial obligations will be unaffected by the move. Set up automatic payments or other systems to avoid delays or missed payments that could result in a contempt of court charge.
5. Ensure that all real and personal property issues have been addressed prior to the relocation. You don’t want to move out-of-state with your ex-spouse’s great-grandmother’s silver tea set and find yourself charged with theft.
6. Inform your child of your move. If you have children, but you do not have custody of them, tell them what is happening, and develop plans to keep involved in their lives through special visits, Skype, and telephone calls.
1 Thing Not to Do
Avoid a “Do It Yourself” (DIY) move when you’re in the middle of a divorce. For instance, such a process could lead to a back or neck injury that in turn could delay the start of a new job or just make it that much harder to concentrate on key elements of your case. Seek help and support, instead, by hiring a moving company to get through the transition.
Our skilled Minnesota family law attorneys can address the legal issues related to your out-of-state move strategically. Call us for a consultation at (763) 783-5146.