Minnesota Nice only goes so far; spouses in the Land of 10,000 Lakes show just as much vitriol as those in other states. Divorces in our lovely state can be surprisingly messy, especially when they involve public figures. The following are a few of Minnesota’s most notable divorces:
Iconic Minnesota pop star Prince married Mayte Garcia in 1996 — and divorced in 2000. Many people believe this split was prompted by the stress of miscarriage. Shortly thereafter, the musician married Manuela Testolini. They divorced in 2006. Their divorce documents were eventually unsealed in the interest of shedding light on Prince’s untimely death.
Charles Schultz
Many Minnesotans don’t realize that the genius behind Peanuts not only divorced, but did so in response to an extramarital affair. He proposed to his love interest multiple times, but was continually rebuffed.
Sinclair Lewis
Famed author Sinclair Lewis married twice and divorced twice. His first wife Grace Hegger Lewis Casanova wrote a biography and later a novel based on their marriage. Following his first divorce, he married Dorothy Thompson. Their relationship formed the basis for the Sherman Yellen play Strangers.
Kris Humphries
Kim Kardashian may have stuck her nose up at the thought of living in Minnesota, but her disdain didn’t stop locals from expressing interest in her marriage and prompt divorce. Minnesotan Kris Humphries responded to Kardashian’s petition for divorce with a request for annulment, leading many to suspect that the marriage was little more than a publicity stunt.
The above examples indicate that, as a divorcee, you’re in good company. These celebrities didn’t let divorce destroy their lives, and you shouldn’t either. Put your best foot forward with help from the law firm of Barna, Guzy & Steffen, Ltd. Call (763) 783-5146 today to get started with a case consultation.