Stuck in the post-divorce doldrums? Sometimes, a dose of escapism is the best solution. Grab some popcorn and get ready to feel empowered as you watch these inspiring movies:
Hope Floats
This heartwarming film explores the fallout attached to an unfortunately public split. If you’re a parent, you’ll relate to protagonist Birdee’s struggles as a single parent…but also the pride that comes with succeeding on your own.
Waiting to Exhale
Forest Whitaker clearly had a thing for divorce-inspired romantic flicks in the mid to late 90s. He directed Hope Floats and Waiting to Exhale, both of which share themes of post-divorce empowerment. Originally a popular Terry McMillan novel, Waiting to Exhale follows the romantic trials and tribulations of four friends. Recently divorced viewers will relate most to Glo and Bernie’s stories.
First Wives Club
Okay, the protagonists in this iconic divorce film don’t exactly take the high road, but that shouldn’t stop you from living vicariously while you make smart decisions. Bette Midler, Goldie Hawn, and Diane Keaton will inspire you to take control of your post-divorce destiny.
Under the Tuscan Sun
If only we could all move to gorgeous Tuscany after divorce. The next best thing? Falling in love with Diane Lane in this classic ‘finding yourself’ flick. While you may not be able to afford a villa abroad, you’ll be inspired to establish new relationships (both romantic and platonic) after you go your own way.
Kramer vs. Kramer
One of the most notorious divorce-themed films, Kramer vs. Kramer examines the fallout of divorce and how it impacts a couple’s young son. If you’ve recently suffered a tough custody battle, this film is for you.
Looking for something else to take your mind off reality? Check out Rotten Tomatoes for suggestions.
Your Minnesota divorce attorney should be more capable than any lawyers you see on the silver screen. You’ll find your real-life legal hero at the law firm of Barna, Guzy & Steffen, Ltd.