A divorce can be draining emotionally. It’s difficult to keep track of all the steps involved; to fight through the obstacles that appear often out of nowhere; and to balance life, work, your finances, your children, your mental health and your dreams and goals. Listening to smart podcasts can help. Not all divorce-related podcasts are created equal, however. We’ve rounded up three favorites. Plug in your headphones and stream these:
- This American Life — “Break Up”
This is an archived episode of a world-famous podcast. It falls under the realm of “emotional healing.” The writer talks about what makes for the perfect break-up song and ruminates whether or not sad music actually makes you feel better during this episode. There are also stories about heartbreak and healing. You may cry—but at least you’ll know you’re not alone in the process.
- UC Berkeley: Is Divorce Always Bad For the Kids?
When we divorce, one of the most burning questions in our minds is not who will get the car or the house, but “will my children be okay?” This is a natural fear for any parent, and this podcast provides valuable reassurance and insight. Learn how to talk to your kids about the divorce, and reinforce the healing process.
- Surviving Divorce Series
This podcast series comes from a certified life coach and covers the topics of divorce and personal finances. Weekly episodes deal with popular matters such as grief, uncertainty, loneliness, anger, co-parenting, and getting your finances in order. The goal isn’t just to teach you how to survive divorce—it also aims to provide a roadmap for thriving in the years to come.
Podcasts provide a valuable opportunity for knowledge and healing on the go. Listen to them in the car, at the gym, or on a peaceful walk. You never know what you might learn.
Our qualified Minnesota divorce attorneys are here to help you obtain a fair outcome and protect your assets, your children and your future. Please call us to set up a private consultation: (763) 783-5146.