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After you’ve reached a custody agreement, it is crucial that you make the most of what time you have with your children. Ideally, your schedule will include free time for visitation, and ideally, your children will look forward to spending time with you. These tips will help you make room on your calendar for your kids — and maximize the time you spend together:

1. Embrace technology.

Smartphones make scheduling and organizing events incredibly easy. Apps such as Fantastical 2 allow you to knock out multiple items on your to-do list and clear your schedule for your kids. Technology can also make it easier to stay in touch with your children while they’re away.

2. Be flexible.

You might have grand plans for what you want to do with your children during your next visit, but remember: kids can change their minds in an instant. Don’t expect to accomplish everything on your list. Be flexible and willing to change your plans on the fly.

3. Make your kids feel at home.

If your children spend most of their time at your ex’s house, it might be a jarring and uncomfortable experience for them to hang out at your place. If you have the space, convert an extra room into one they can call their own. Allow them to decorate their new room as they see fit.

4. Don’t take your work home with you.

Nothing is more boring to a child than watching parents work from home. You may think they are fine playing a video game or watching TV while you tackle those work emails, but this sets a terrible example. Put away the computer and spend meaningful time with your children.

5. Be there for your kids.

You should never miss an opportunity to spend time with your kids. They look forward to seeing you. Skipping out on one visit may not seem like a big deal, but it can quickly make your kids feel unwanted and unloved. Make every effort to be both physically and mentally present when visitation time arrives.

Custody and visitation are among the most difficult aspects of a divorce. If you desire a strong relationship with your kids, seek legal guidance and representation from the law firm of Barna, Guzy & Steffen, Ltd.